Monday, September 24, 2012

Was man Satan's tree?

Disclaimer:  This post is not fact but a theory based upon scripture, reasoning, and drawing conclusion based upon my personal opinion.  I have painted a hypothetical situation based upon what I currently believe could have happened.  Please do not quote this as fact or actual doctrine.

I have often thought about, and even written a post, as to why would Satan turn from God.  The obvious answer is pride but what led up to this pride?  If everything in Heaven is wonderful and perfect and Satan and the angels knew that they were created beings (by the God they physically were in the presence of since the moment of their existence), why would they choose the path they took?

I had planned to write this post a few months ago but held off because I wanted to be very careful what I post, as not to mislead people in thinking that I had a new revelation.  I ran it by my wife first and although she thought it was truly profound she even cautioned me to seek wise council before posting the thought.  It wasn't until I was listening to To Every Man An Answer on the 23rd of August, 2012 ( that I heard what reaffirmed my thought so I am now comfortable to share it with you.

Sometime before Satan fell he was the most beautiful angel in heaven.  Not only was he beautiful he also had authority.  Next to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit there was none higher.  Angels do hold different positions in heaven as shown in the Bible.  Life was great!  Then one day God took Satan into counsel and showed him His master plan.  He was to going to create new beings that would someday hold higher position than the angels and the angels, and Satan, would serve this new creation called man.

Now, try and put yourself in this situation.  Life is great, you're in a top position at your job, you're a model employee and all of the sudden your boss calls you in and says "I want you to meet your new boss!"  You look across the room and it's a 22 yr. old kid fresh out of college with no real life experience and to top it off, it's the boss’s son.  Honestly, I would be furious!  Now back to the thought.

So Satan is told that he would serve this new creation.  Imagine how he must have felt.  Imagine his pride puffing up and saying "NO WAY!!!  I'M BETTER THAN THEM!!!"  HOW DARE GOD DO THIS to ME!!!"  I believe the angels in Heaven were given free will which allowed them to make a choice.  However, there has to be an option for a choice to be made.  Now up to this point why would they have a reason to abandon God for what they thought would be a better option when there wasn't the option to begin with?  Where was the temptation?  Now, with man, the choice, the temptation, it was all there.  This is not to say that God tempted Satan but that Satan allowed himself to be tempted instead of trusting God and His judgment for the future.  Does this sound familiar?

I imagine Satan going from that meeting with new emotions and ideas and then expressing his displeasure with God's new plan by sharing not only the problem with it, but also a solution!  It says in the bible that Satan said "I will be like the Most High!" (Isaiah 14:13-14).  I can envision him going around to the other angels and gathering those who also believed his deceit and joined with him in supplanting God.  There can be many questions as to how he accomplished this.  It also asks the question why God would allow Satan time to collect followers.  One of God's characteristics is to show restraint.  It could be that Satan was allowed to move through the heavenly host and preach his message of mutiny until the time came when the choice was made and sin was born in their hearts.  This would allow God to see which angels truly were His by allowing them to choose Him for themselves.  It could also be that Satan made a public announcement and the choice was made immediately at that time.  Personally, I lean towards the 1st choice.  As we do not know the complete workings of heaven there is no sure way to know.  Either way, a choice was allowed and a choice was made.  This is the evidence of the angels having free will.

Satan was already the "head angel" apparently over the entire host of other angels but if that was the case, why would he make the statement "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God"?  "Stars of God" is used to represent the angels but Satan was already over the angels.  If you look closely at this statement Satan uses the word "throne".  This clear statement he is making is saying that he will rule over the angels but under his OWN authority, separate from God.  Therefore, whoever chose to follow Satan obviously reasoned that Satan's way (based on lies and deceit) was the better way separate from God's authority. The Bible states in John 8:44 that Satan is called "the father of lies".  This is where he earned one of the many names he holds.
It may be that Satan thought if he could gather enough followers he could overthrow God, but I doubt that. 

Being that God is eternal, infinite, and not a created being the angels would've understood this.  I would suggest that Satan intended to install a kingdom separate from Gods, in Heaven, which he would rule.  In other words, he wanted to do his own thing.  As we know, God does not allow this. In His original 10 commandments the first one, Exodus 20:3, states "You shall have no other gods before me."  It applies to us and it applies to the angels as well.  One could assume that by taking this route Satan and his followers probably thought they could avoid punishment, sidestep God's plan. and live independently.  No harm, no foul, and no serving this new creation called "man".  Unfortunately for Satan and his followers, this would not be a choice.

Instead, God passed judgment on their actions.  They were now doomed to spend eternity separated from God in a lake of fire and brimstone upon the final judgment of mankind.  Until that time different, immediate punishments were handed down.  Some fallen angels are bound at the Euphrates River while some are bound in the bottomless pit restrained in chains in the darkness.  Still many others are presently confined to earth tormenting people today.  Apparently Satan, though doomed, still is allowed to hold a place of authority and still has limited access to God (Job 1:6,Job 2:1, and Luke 22:210).

When God placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden Adam and Eve were told not to eat of it.  However, for Satan to have continued authority, prolong the final, eternal judgment, destroy God's creation, get back at God, etc..., he had to get man to also disobey God by having him commit sin.  When Eve was tempted in the garden Satan used the same lie that originally came from his "humble" beginnings.  In Genesis 3:4-5 the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  He tempted her with the option of "being like" God.  This is exactly what Satan wanted to be!  Instead, the exact opposite was true and man now suffers the same fate as Satan and his demons, EXCEPT, we were given the one thing they were not allowed, grace.

Though we deserve the same fate as Satan and his demons, God made a way through Jesus Christ's death on the cross (John 3:16).  The grace he gives us is so easy to receive and it's completely free!  All one has to do is believe that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins, confess with their mouth their sins and their need for a savior, and turns from their sins.  This is followed by a public proclamation and baptism.  This is man's free will, although our choice can be a more difficult one with all of life's struggles, suffering, temptations, and satanic attacks.  I would even be so bold to offer that maybe this is why we were allowed grace but Satan and his demons were not.

I believe that because of this grace, Satan became more enraged at mankind and God.  The Bible says that Satan does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (Part of John 10:10).  Not only can he not stand that he would be subject to mankind but I believe even more so he takes out his wrath upon us because he blames us for all of his problems and wants to make mankind, and God, pay.  Also, at the same time, for a short time, he wants show God that he still holds authority (although limited which is what he stole from man at the fall in the garden) separate from God even though God would not allow this in Heaven.

I hope that this post has not discouraged or confused you but instead helped you to see how God does not only love and care for us, but that He is also a Holy God.  God wants to be loved for Himself just like you and I would want to be loved for who we are.  Love involves trust as well.  He asks us to trust Him because He knows what's best for all.  However, when we don't trust him and choose to do things our way the consequences can be detrimental to our relationship.  Ultimately, the choice we make will have an eternal consequence, either way.  As you can see what happened to Satan, choosing not to trust God led to eternal separation and destruction.  If you are not a Christian please choose to trust God with your life and develop a loving relationship that will last for eternity.

May the Lord bless you!


References for review..

Isaiah 14:12-14
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’

Job 1:6 and 2:1
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan[a] also came among them.

John 10:10
10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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