Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gates of Hell

I was thinking that if the gates to the New Jerusalem are made of a single giant pearl are the gates of Hell made from a giant single piece of fruit that Eve and Adam took a bite of which they were commanded not to?  :)  Just a funny thought but it would be a simple reminder.


  1. I lean towards a 'Dante'esk vision... of twisted gates and fencing of rotting iron, wrought and twisted with the agony of sin and corruption. And don't forget the simple words: "Abandon all hope ye who enter here." ~J.

  2. Hmmm... I've never thought much about what the actual gates of hell would look like. Consider this: The gates of heaven -- and heaven itself -- are likely so beautiful that it is beyond human comprehension. I imagine the gates of hell are so dark, evil, and painfully ugly that they are beyond our comprehension as well. Definitely NOT a place I want to ever visit. ; )

  3. Check out this video....this is how I see hell.
